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Showing posts from March, 2014

Activate for better learning or Fishing for Learners

Q: What is the difference between a fish and a piano? A: You can't tuna fish.    source: I recently had the opportunity to participate in sessions led by some of the the Instructional Leadership Team   in our district including   @ c_durley     @ OvelsonRhonda   @ michellerelova .  I initially agreed to participate because I was promised coverage and time to work with my teaching partner on a project of our choosing. Every session followed the same format and began with something the team called an Activate. Initially I was frustrated with the process. Why am I being blindfolded and asked to put a puzzle together? I thought I was here to collaborate with my partner. It quickly became apparent to me that the team was trying to model good lesson design. I remember being told when I was a student teacher that every lesson should have a hook. I also remember being told by experienced teachers that no teacher has the time t

NCIS, The Rules and Classroom Culture

I was watching NCIS last week and heard a line about Gibb's famous rules    It got me thinking about my "rules" in my classroom.  I'm not talking about the "Raise your hand"  or "Speak French" types of rules but more about the rules that define the culture of a class. The values I expect my kids to live by. So I started thinking about what my students would tell you were "Mme's Rules".  What are the things that I am always telling them, hoping it will guide them in their learning. Here is a few I think/hope I would hear: Mme Hawtree's Rules Rule 1:  Work hard Learning to read and write is HARD WORK. Learning to do it in French is even harder. My kids know that it is just part of the deal. Rule 2:  Do YOUR best. The rule is do YOUR best. Not do the best. Not be the best. Do the best you can do in any situation. Rule 3:  Do MORE. I always give kids a line but I always encourage them to do a little more... to push th