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Showing posts from 2016

Simple Science Observation Activity - Apples and the Five Senses

My kindies and I had a lot of fun exploring our 5 senses. There are so many experiments that you can do with kids and we did many of them over the year but this exploration was one of my favorites. I gave each of  my students and apple and have them look at the apple very carefully. What could they see about the apple with their eyes?  My kiddos noticed the colors, spots, lines, and the shape. I then had them feel the apple with their fingers. What could they see with their fingers? We talked about words like smooth, bumpy, pointed. One student was very excited to discover that the stem of an apple wiggled, another was thrilled to find the bottom of his apple was tickly. After touching the apple we smelled the apple.  First we smelled the skin then we took a tiny bite of the apple and smelled inside. Students described the smell in all sorts of interesting ways. They all agreed that the smell was way more interesting inside an apple. When I told the kids that we would be list